
Benefits of Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutation

Benefits of Surya Namaskar | Sun Salutation

Each of the steps in surya namaskar has benefits for the body.

The advantages of surya namaskar stretch from the mind to the whole body.

  • The muscles are strengthened and become well-toned (Steps 1-12).
  • Blood circulation is improved and irregular menstrual cycles are regulated (Steps 3, 5, 7).
  • Surya namaskar is effective in reducing the weight of individuals. Abdominal muscles get well-toned and excessive fat around the waist is lost. Extra calories are lost and flexibility is improved. Digestion is improved (Steps 3 & 7).
  • Depression is alleviated and anxiety is reduced (Step 5).
  • Sleep and concentration are improved (Step 1).
  • Functioning of the endocrine system, including thyroid, pituitary glands, adrenal gland, parathyroid, testes, and ovaries are improved (Step 4).
  • Maintains good posture (Steps 2, 4)

Surya Namaskar and Weight Loss

It has been observed that surya namaskar aids in reducing weight of individuals. A study, by the Defense Institute of Physiology and Allied Science, showed that 1 round of surya namaskar burns 13.91 calories in an individual who weighs 62 kgs. Another study, by Bhavanani and others, has shown surya namaskar performed at a slow pace, improves the tone of muscles, enhances the functioning of internal organs, decreases diastolic pressure, improves hand grip endurance, and reduces hyperactivity. On the other hand, surya namaskar at a fast pace (similar to aerobics), significantly increases systolic pressure, improves pulmonary function, alleviates Depression, improves hand grip endurance, and is a good form of cardiovascular exercise.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar for Men, Women, and Kids

There are many advantages of surya namaskar for children. With the guidance of a yoga teacher, children can perform surya namaskar with easier steps compared to that performed by adults. Performing surya namaskar improves the efficiency of children. There is an elevation of energy levels and physical stamina. Concentration, memory, and the functioning of the nervous system are improved. The mind becomes calm through this exercise. Children show improved sleep cycles and metabolic functions. Their muscles become flexible and well-toned. A study by Thakur, regarding effects of surya namaskar on the psychology of school boys, observed that a regular regimen improved the self-confidence levels, self-perception, and the general attitude to life.

Women who show severe cramping, lower back pain, and severe loss of blood during menstruation, are advised to wait till the period of menstruation is over before attempting the exercise. Surya namaskar can be performed during the first trimester of a pregnancy, but should be discontinued during the rest of the pregnancy. Surya namaskar promotes easy delivery during pregnancy. Following delivery, surya namaskar can be resumed immediately based on the health of the individual. It has been observed that surya namaskar aids in the involution of the uterus.

Surya Namaskar for Skin

A regular regimen results in a clear complexion and glowing skin. Muscles are toned and flexibility is improved.

Yoga at Home

Surya namaskar can be performed at home, either in the morning or in the evening. The method of performing surya namaskar should be learnt from a proper guide. Those with complications such as arthritis, slip-disk, and heart disease should take medical opinion before attempting surya namaskar. Surya namaskar should be performed facing the sun or if in a room, in the direction facing the sun. It should be performed on a mat and not on the bare floor.











