Nobel Prize News Posted on March 10, 2025

Total No. of Records - 123 / Page - 12 of 13
Nobel Prize - Related News

Nobel Prize and Lifespan
A study by two economists finds that, winning a Nobel Prize adds almost two years to a person’s lifespan and it is not due to the cash that ...
Nobel Prize for Gene ‘Silencing’
This year, the Nobel prize for medicine has been conferred on two Americans, Andrew Z Fire of the MIT and Craig C Mello of the Harvard University, ...
Nobel Prize – a ‘near miss’ for Indian Scientist couple
The Indian Scientist couple, Dr Utpal Bhadra and Monika Pal Bhadra, narrowly missed the 2006 Nobel Prize for Medicine. Their work was comparable to ...
Two Americans Share 2006 Nobel Medicine Prize
Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello of the US have won this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition of their discovery of gene silencing by ...
Dutch chemical group Akzo Nobel Develops A New Bird Flu Vaccine
A Dutch chemical group Akzo Nobel has collaborated with researchers from the Friedrich Loeffler Institute and developed a new bird flu vaccine , ...
Nobel Laureate Finds an Alternate Way to Manufacture Anti-Flu Drug
US researcher and a Nobel laureate hopes to manufacture plentiful anti-flu drugs at a cheaper cost. Tamiflu is the anti-flu drug and Elias Corey has ...
Aussie Nobel Prize Winners Receive Their Awards
Professor Barry Marshall and Doctor Robin Warren, the Australian Nobel Prize winners for medicine received their awards from the King of Sweden in a ...
Nobel For Ulcer-Defying Aussie Scientists
If winning a Nobel Prize meant swallowing a glassful of dangerous bacteria, not many will come forward. Australian professor Barry Marshall however ...
Cholesterol Mystery Solved By Nobel Laureates
A 72 year old mystery about cholesterol synthesis which has been bugging scientists for so long has finally been cracked by Nobel laureates. ...