Coronary Heart Disease-Estimated Cases(2000,2005)

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S.No. Age in Years 2000 2005
Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 20-29 1799691 2711501 4511192 2012363 4138045 6150408
2 30-39 2854247 2635019 5489266 3383816 3869904 7253720
3 40-49 3342472 2776974 6119446 4217201 4116830 8334032
4 50-59 3590885 2288412 5879296 4544974 3171320 7716294
5 60-69 3153512 1888199 5041711 3849544 2582790 6432334
  Total 14740808 12300104 27040912 18007899 17878889 35886789
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