
Top Ten tips for the Perfect Orgasm

Remember prolonging your Ejaculation time to get orgasm requires some imagination and effort from both the partners. If you are able to hold a little extra there are good chances of achieving that perfect orgasm.

  1. Indulge in foreplay- spend three times the time in foreplay that you spend on actual intercourse.
  2. Don't rush, be relaxed in bed, if your heart is surging - lie back and slow down for a minute or two.
  3. Foreplay means kissing, massaging and stroking different parts of the body. Both partners should participate and first do it to each other and then do it simultaneously.
  4. Enter vagina only when your partner is fully wet and ready for you.
  5. Playing with nipples and gentle sucking on the nipples and breasts can often make the vagina wet and ready for intercourse.
  1. Oral sex can stimulate a woman's genitalia too and get her be ready for the man.
  2. Experiment with different positions.
  3. After entering vagina stroke slowly. Rub the head of the organ against the clitoris a few times to excite your partner further.
  4. If you think you are ready to "come" slow down for a few seconds. Be still. Change your position if necessary.
  5. Invite your partner to get on top and do the stroking part for sometime and once she tires out mount her again.

Our message for you is to experiment and find out what is best for you and your partner. Research indicates that the best sexual intercourse lasts between 7 and 13 minutes. The more time you spend in foreplay the higher the chances of getting the perfect orgasm.

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johnpeter - Jan 24, 2015

Premature ejaculation, the most common form of sexual dysfunction in men, often is due to nervousness over how well he will perform during sex. In some cases, premature and inhibited ejaculation are caused by a lack of attraction for a partner, past traumatic events, and psychological factors.Antidepressants may affect on it.But that is not a permanent cure.

buloo1 - Jan 15, 2014

Sir, I have various sex problem like no hardening of penis and sperm fall down earlier,please suggest me how can increase my time and hardening penis, my intercourse time is 20 sec.

amitttt - Jun 25, 2013

Dear sir I m facing the fall down earlier problem please suggest me how can i increase my time.

DRajazKHAN, India - Jun 01, 2013

if u r facing any problem related sex i can help u I AM A DOCTOR . I AM A SEXOLOGIST .. 07422403421

SexKnowledge - Mar 09, 2013

Good tips! Keep doing the job!

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