
Top Ten Facts About Prostate Cancer

  1. Prostate cancer is one of the most controversial cancers in both diagnosis and treatment.
  2. If you�re cursed with a cancer - this is the one to ask for!!
  3. Prostate cancer is more aggressive in a black person than a white person
  4. This is the second commonest cancer that affect men after lung cancer
  5. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases after the age of 50 years. Majority of prostate cancer are diagnosed in men over 65 years.
  6. There are over 2 million American men currently living with prostate cancer.
  7. Charles B. Huggins in 1941 was awarded a Nobel prize for understanding that prostate cancer was dependent on testosterone for its growth and spread and this could be reversed by giving estrogens, the so called �Chemical Castration�.
  8. Prostate Specific Antigen - a marker to diagnose prostate cancer was first used in forensic investigation to determine if a stain on the undergarment was due to semen or not.
  9. The use of �robotics in surgery� is most commonly deployed for removing a malignant prostate cancer from the pelvis.
  10. Prostate cancer is a relatively slow-growing cancer. For all stages of the cancer the average 5-year survival rate is 98% and the 10-year survival rate is 84%. Remember - Most people die with this cancer and not of it.

Last Updated on Aug 27, 2019
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Alice_m, United States - Feb 24, 2010

About 5+ years ago, brother-in-law diagnosed with prostate cancer. Took Vit.D3, soy "nuts" and green tea while waiting for surgery which never happened as cancer disappeared.

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