Summary View about Malaria, Tuberculosis, HIV and Few Resources

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  In 2010, 216 million malaria cases led to approximately 655 000 deaths. Out of this 86% were children under the age of five. But in world level except four countries, more than 50% reduction was seen in malaria cases. The decline rate is 1.8% per annum.

Annual decline (%) in malaria incidence, 2000–2009
AFR - African Region AMR - American Region
SEAR - South East Asian Region EUR - European Region
EMR - Eastern Mediterranean Region WPR - Western Pacific Region

  This reduction happened due to increased use of insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spray.


  Even though there is a significant decrease in new tuberculosis cases, in 2010, 13% HIV patients have tuberculosis in an estimated 8.8 million new cases.

  0.35 million died from HIV-associated tuberculosis, where as 1.1 million HIV-negative people also died from tuberculosis in 2010. But in overall tuberculosis mortality rate, there has been one-third declined.

Trends in estimated tuberculosis mortality rates, 1990–2010

  2009 is the 3rd successive year for treatment-success rate that reached 87% in worldwide.

  Multidrug resistant tuberculosis helps to achieve the relevant MDG target in six WHO regions.


  15% reduction occurred in HIV cases, 2.7 million people were infected in 2010.

  In sub-Saharan Africa in 2010, there were an estimated 34 million people living with HIV – an increase on previous years.

  In 2010, due to increased access facility, more people were treated with antiretroviral therapy. It is 16 times more than in 2003.

  Except dengue and leishmaniasis 17 tropical diseases are neglected in 149 countries.

Number of people with access to antiretroviral therapy and the number of people dying from AIDS-related causes in low- and middle income countries, 2002–2010

  Through the use of safe and high-quality medicines WHO has enabled an integrated approach to overcome all diseases.

  Dracunculiasis mostly eradicated without the use of any medication or vaccine, only below 1100 cases were reported in 2011.

Water and Sanitation

  In safe dinking water accessibility MDG achieved its goal worldwide. In 2010, 89% of the population used an improved source of drinking water where as in 1990 it was only 76%.

Global trends in the proportion of population using safe drinking-water sources and improved sanitation

  Since progress rate is very slow, MDG target is yet to be achieved in sanitation facilities.

  Due to rapid growth in urban population, there is an increase in need for improved sanitation facility access.

Drugs Availability

  The availability of medicines for the treatment of chronic noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is particularly poor when compared with the availability of medicines for acute conditions.

  Only 42% essential medicines are available in low and middle-income group countries especially for Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) its in very poor condition.

  Comparatively for acute conditions the availability of medicines was higher than NCDs with 53.5% where as for NCDs only 36%.

  Since medicines are not available in public sector, people are purchasing from private sector with higher cost that leads to more poverty.

  Even though the world faces new challenges, MDGs should be achieved at the earlier.

Source: WHO-2012 report
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