SEAR Vs Cancers As per prediction, in next few decades, cancers may be the most important cause of morbidity and mortality rates in the world. In SEAR, 1.1million people died of cancers in 2008. There is a tremendous increase in cancer incidences in this region. In addition to high mortality, SEAR has high cancer-related morbidity. 569,000 cancer deaths occurred in males in 2008. 1.7 million new cases of cancer occur each year in the region. In males, the most common cancer type was lung cancer, which accounts for 17% of all types of cancers, followed by mouth and oropharynx cancers accounting for 15%, and liver 7.5% respectively. Cervical and breast cancers accounted for 35% of all cancer deaths among women. 150,000 cancer-related deaths occurring annually in Bangladesh. In India, cancers caused a larger percentage of deaths among females than among males and the estimated percentage of cancer deaths varied from 6.4% to 13% . Most of the cancer deaths occur below the age of 60 years, of which 52% occur in women and 45% in men. Breast cancer ranked first in DPR Korea, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand, where as in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal cervical cancer ranked first, in women. Incidence of selected cancers per 100 000 population, by sex, South-East Asia Region, 2008 |
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