Urbanization and Globalization

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Introduction Urbanization and Globalization increase the risk of NCDs in South East Asia Region (SEAR). Let us discuss about this.


  Urbanization refers to a process in which an increasing proportion of an entire population lives in cities and the suburbs of cities as a result of migration.

Urban Lifestyle Risks

  Physical Inactivity

  Exposure to Environmental Pollutants


  Unhealthy Foods

  Unhealthy Habits

Impact in SEAR

  A rapid increase was seen in SEAR region’s urbanization with 26% in 1990 to 33% in 2009.

  As per projection, in 2050 urban population will be more than double in member countries.

  A study done by ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) and WHO reveals, among adults, behavioral, anthropometrics and biochemical risk factors of NCDs are more in urban areas than rural.

Population projections for Bangladesh and India, 2011, 2025 and 2050

  A study reveals diabetes mellitus, overweight and insufficient physical activities were more prevalent among urban population than middle-and lower-urban population in Sri Lanka.

Projected mid-year population, residing in urban areas, South-East Asia Region, 2010-2050

Prevalence of NCD risk factors in urban and rural areas, by sex, India, 2003-2006

  A study from Tamil Nadu (India) reveals, smoking, increased body-mass index (BMI), blood pressure, physical inactivity, and high BMI are negatively associated with being an urban, but positively associated with increased consumption of fruits and vegetables.


  Globalization is a common term for the processes of international integration, which decreases trade barriers.

  In developing countries, children are the target group for global marketing that may lead to unhealthy behavior.

Source: WHO-2011 report

SEAR Countries

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