Major Challenges in Prevention and Control of NCDs in SEAR Countries - Weak Surveillance Systems

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SEAR vs Surveillance Systems

Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) Surveillance Programme in South East Asia Region (SEAR) is in weak position. Let us discuss about it.

  Surveillance and research data on NCDs are important tools for planning and implementation of NCD prevention and control, but it is unavailable in this region.

  Current surveillance systems are often not institutionalized and rarely integrated into the national health information.

  Since NCDs surveys are dependent on funds and other factors, they are not conducted regularly.

  Lack of a comprehensive framework for surveillance and monitoring, non-existence of specific indicators and clear targets are the major reasons. So that it results in uniform tools for data collection, systematic data analyses or standard reports to guide the programmes unavailability.

  Due to poor registration system, in most of the countries there is no mortality statistics.

  Population-based cause-specific morbidity and mortality data collection system, poor fund allocation and hospital-based mortality data collection methods still exist.

Surveillance Mechanism In India

Limited Access to Prevention, Care and Treatment Services for NCDs

  Lack of access to affordable medicines and health-care services are the major cause of premature deaths due to NCDs.

  Less importance on public health and primary care results in inefficient and unsustainable NCD programmes.

  Only people, who are living in urban areas, get benefits of major investment on NCDs prevention and control measures, since they have established for tertiary care services.

  Due to poor resource allocation an inadequate primary health care occurs, which results in lack of early diagnosis of NCDs.

  Community- and home-based palliative care is non-existent. Continuous NCD care should be provided for early diagnosis, prevention and control of NCDs in the region.

Source: WHO-2011 report

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SEAR Countries

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