Risk Factors for NCD Deaths in South East Asian Region (SEAR) Countries

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Risk Factors

  Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and alcohol abuse are the four common behavioral risk factors for the majority NCD deaths by inducing metabolic changes.

  Overweight or obesity, high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar and high blood cholesterol are the metabolic changes.

  NCD risk factors are widely prevalent in this region.

  Nearly 1 million tobacco- related deaths occur ever year.

  Due to unhealthy diet half a million deaths occurred in the region.

  5.1% of the deaths are attributable to physical inactivity.

  Harmful use of alcohol caused 350,000 deaths in the region.

  In SEAR, deaths due to high blood pressure was in the highest position with 9.4%, followed by deaths due to elevated blood sugar (6.8%), tobacco use (6.8%), physical inactivity (5.1%) and high blood cholesterol (4.9%) respectively.

Shared risk factors for major non-communicable diseases

Estimated number of attributable deaths by risk factor, South-East Asia Region, 2004

Source: WHO-2011 report
Mastering Diabetes

SEAR Countries

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