Surveillance and Monitoring System for Health System Response

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SEAR Scenario

  In South East Asia Region (SEAR) for monitoring response to the Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) epidemic, there is no comprehensive system in the region.

  To monitor the global and national response to the NCD epidemic, indicators and targets are currently being developed.

  Major priority has been given for developing and monitoring system.

Health System Capacity for NCD Prevention, Early Detection, Treatment and Care

  For providing maternal and child health care, immunization and deal with communicable diseases, health systems in the region are geared, but NCDs have been neglected.

  To address NCDs, it is very important to reorient health systems and retrain health personnel to provide long-term prevention, care and treatment services.

NCD Prevention and Control at Primary Health-care Level

  In public health facilities, at least one NCD-related service at the primary health-care level is available in the region. In 10 countries, risk factor and disease management, in 11 countries prevention and health promotion are available.

  There is no progress in home-based care promotion. In Bhutan and Sri Lanka the integration of primary healthcare system and NCDs are under process. Same thing at planning level in Maldives and Indonesia.

Availability of Diagnostic Facilities for NCDs at Primary Health Care Level

  At the primary health care level, a selected set of diagnostic devices to detect risk factors is needed and blood pressure measurement facility is available in the region.

  In 9 countries, blood glucose and weight measurement facilities are available. Due to high technical requirements, cancer detection services are least.

  Non-availability of equipment is the major reason for lack of services. That too in few countries like Bangladesh, in primary health-care package these services are not included. So there has been no planning to either provide these equipments or to train human resources for it.

Availability of NCD tests and procedures (in more than 50% of facilities) at primary health care level, SEAR, 2010

Source: WHO-2011 report

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