World Breastfeeding Week 1st - 7th ( August )
by Medindia Content Team onBreastfeeding Revisited thanks to WHO and UNICEF
‘Good Health begins with mother.There is no substitute to her milk’.Breast feeding has been revisited this week due to the efforts of WHO, UNICEF and breast feeding steering committees as a socially acceptable and respectable practice....
Good Health of an infant begins with the well-being of the mother. It has been known for a long time that nursing an infant with breast milk is the best and most complete form of nutrition for infants.The mother's milk protects the infants from wide range of diseases. Breastfed infants are said to be healthy and stronger with well-developed immune systems to fight infection thereby lowering the rates of chronic childhood diseases. Hence there is no real substitute to mother's milk.
Choosing a name for your child is one of the joys of parenthood. It is often a time when even the close family comes together.The name would be a tug, which remains life long with the child making him or her an individual. Hence many times finding the right name can take long.