Biographical Sketch
Dr RaajShree Vivek Tamhane, PhD in Alternative Medicine from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Done M.
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Sc. in Biochemistry from Pune University. Born in Kolhapur traditional and cultured city from Maharashtra with blessing of Amba Mata. Is academician by profession, all these days. Life teaches her how to be strong in any kind of situation.With the grace of god she came out of all odds in life. Having been through several life altering experiences, she was finally directed to her soul calling, which was to awaken people towards the truth. Spiritual healing can help people in many different ways. Healing help people to deal with the condition they have and to become more positive.Spiritual Healing or energy healing is the activity of making a person healthy without using medicines or other physical methods.[shrink]