
Home Remedies for Chickenpox

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What is Chickenpox?

Chickenpox caused by the varicella-zoster virus is a common and highly contagious illness affecting mostly children and sometimes adults also. The rash appears on the body 2 days after the person gets infected. The rash forms into blisters, which burst and then scab over.

The incubation period of Chickenpox is 2 to 3 weeks. People are more prone to the infection during the winter and spring season. Pregnant women, who get Chickenpox for the first time, must seek medical assistance.

Common Causes of Chickenpox


Home Remedies for Chickenpox

Tip 1:

Mix ½ tsp of baking soda in 1 glass of water. Sponge the person with this solution. When soda dries on the skin, it controls the itchiness and irritation.

Tip 2:

Pure honey smeared on the scabs helps in clearing up scars.

Honey Helps Clear the Scars

Tip 3:

Application of vitamin E oil helps and has a healing effect. The scars fade away very quickly.

Tip 4:

Indian Lilac, the other name being Margosa or Neem leaves has antiviral properties, which helps therapeutically in treating Chickenpox. Additionally, it aids in drying-out the blisters and alleviates itching sensation to a great degree. Mash a handful of neem leaves to make a mild paste and apply on the blistered regions. Strew these leaves in bathing hot water and allow it to steep for a few minutes and have a bath in this neem-soaked water.

Neem Leaves Help Dry-out Blisters Faster

Tip 5:

Brown vinegar is one kind of effective approach for the treatment of Chickenpox. It helps in mitigating skin irritation and sloughs off the blisters and averts scarring when used in bathing water while taking a bath daily until the infection wears off.


Tip 6:

A blended soup of carrot and coriander leaves would be beneficial in nature to cool the internal body during the infection. Slice a carrot and chop some coriander leaves to tiny pieces and boil them in half a cup of water for few minutes. Filter and drink it when it is lukewarm on a daily basis for a month or so for a swift and sooner recovery.

Tip 7:

Applying calamine lotion on itchy areas may be of help and is a standard medicine for the healing of Chickenpox rashes. But it can aggravate itchiness in some people.

Calamine Lotion for Chicken Pox Rashes
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