

Latest Comments on Indian Health Acts

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can it be possible to register in multiple state?.. or we need to cancel the existing registration before registering in other states. shans68
shans68 - India6/11/2015
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I need suggestion regarding the doctors bill. Doctor is giving me bill for 17000 for 3 day for my wife's treatment. She was not admitted to the clinic, just for three days doctor given her 2 bottle of saline everyday. Doctor is having clinic not the hospital. Can you suggest what can i do?
abhi0786 - India6/4/2015
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I want to complain against shiv medicos in H block ashok vihar for not giving proper bills for medicines purchased and also not verifying or asking for any prescription and seselling medicines without prescriptions...
chit123 - India5/19/2015
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I am 8 months pregnant and getting a chance to be employed as a government teacher.In this case I won't be able to work more than 20 or 25 days.If i go on maternity leave will I get the benefits or the state government will terminate me?
rashmi25913 - India5/1/2015
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Hi , would like to know what is the punishment of illegally running a stem cell banking in India. there are companies running stem cell banking without license , also using and promoting technologies to customer which has no approval . Please mail me on
rihdh.ray - India4/22/2015
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I am 2 months pregnant and not keeping well. Can i take a month leave in the third month and then continue the job? Please suggest.
DS_2508 - 4/16/2015
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Sir, Can a HUF be allowed to obtain a Retail License for starting a Medical Store.
Vibhor08 - India3/31/2015
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I am working in a joint venture company. Now I am running 6th month of my pregnancy. I am working here for last 2 year 4 month. Joint venture is going to dissolve and my company is not willing to absorb me in the parent company, though 90% of the staff is absorbed. They also not willing to give me the maternity benefit and forcing me to resign. What should I do ? Whether they can terminate me lawfully at this stage even if the JV is dissolving ? please guide
debi2429 - India3/25/2015
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What is the meaning of this statement "Provided that the qualifying period of 4[eighty days] aforesaid shall not apply to a woman who has immigrated into the State of Assam and was pregnant at the time of the immigration. " Immigration is a term which is used when a person moves into a country to which they are not native in order to settle there, especially as permanent residents or future citizens. Since Assam is a part of India, how can immigration be possible in this case.
LopamudraDas - India2/24/2015
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What if two unmarried adults have sex and get pregnant, can abortion be done in that case?
pooja900 - India11/4/2014
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