

Last Updated on Jan 02, 2024
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Fastest Reacting Muscle

  • The eyes have the fastest-reacting muscles in the whole�body. It�contracts in 1/100th of a second (1 Trusted Source
    Strabismus and eye muscle function

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  • The eyes contain more than 50% of the sensory receptors in the human body (2 Trusted Source
    Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye

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  • The cornea is clear and covers the colored iris and pupil.
  • The cornea is the only part of the human body that doesn�t contain blood vessels (3 Trusted Source
    Absence of blood and lymphatic vessels in the developing human cornea

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Eye Blinking

  • The average adult blinks 12 times per minute.
  • When we blink, we close our eyes for 0.3 seconds (4 Trusted Source
    High-speed camera characterization of voluntary eye blinking kinematics

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Size of the Eyeball

  • The diameter of an adult eyeball is around 2.5 cm.
  • The human eyeball is 24.5 mm long (5 Trusted Source
    Variations in Eyeball Diameters of the Healthy Adults

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  • Eyelashes grow at a rate of 0.12 to 0.14 mm per day.
  • There are about 90 to 160 lashes on the upper eyelid and 75 to 80 lashes on the lower eyelid.
  • It takes about eight weeks for lashes to grow back after being pulled out (6 Trusted Source
    Anatomy, Head and Neck: Eyelash

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  • The lens of the human eye is composed of 66% water�and 33% protein (7 Trusted Source
    Lens Protein

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Color Blindness

  • Color blind people find it hard to distinguish colors like green�and red (8 Trusted Source
    Types of Color Vision Deficiency

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  • At birth, everyone is color blind (9 Trusted Source
    Infant color perception: Insight into perceptual development

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Eye Color

  • Iris determines the color of the eye.
  • Brown is the most common eye color in the world (10 Trusted Source
    Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of human iris color: A comprehensive review

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  • The retina plays a vital role in vision by capturing the light that enters your eye and translating it into the images you see (11 Trusted Source
    Anatomy, Head and Neck: Eye Retina

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Rods and Cones in the Retina

  • Retinas consist of light-sensitive cells called rods and cones.�Rods�register�the shapes of images and respond to low�levels of light while�cones respond to bright light and�register the color of images (12 Trusted Source
    Molecular bases of rod and cone differences

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  • The retina has about 6 million cones and over 100 million rods.


  • Newborns will cry out without tears for the first three to six�weeks (13 Trusted Source
    How Tears Work

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  • Tears help protect our eyes from infection and irritation (14 Trusted Source
    Older adults have less tear production. Aging: A Predisposition to Dry Eyes

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  1. Strabismus and eye muscle function - ( )
  2. Anatomy, Head and Neck, Eye - (
  3. Absence of blood and lymphatic vessels in the developing human cornea - (
  4. High-speed camera characterization of voluntary eye blinking kinematics - ( )
  5. Variations in Eyeball Diameters of the Healthy Adults - (
  6. Anatomy, Head and Neck: Eyelash - (
  7. Lens Protein - (
  8. Types of Color Vision Deficiency - (
  9. Infant color perception: Insight into perceptual development - (
  10. Molecular and biochemical mechanisms of human iris color: A comprehensive review - (
  11. Anatomy, Head and Neck: Eye Retina - (
  12. Molecular bases of rod and cone differences - (
  13. How Tears Work - (
  14. Older adults have less tear production. Aging: A Predisposition to Dry Eyes - (

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