

Dentistry - Open Access Journals

List of 99 Dentistry journals with full access to their articles that can be viewed and accessed without any cost.

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Medical Journals

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Acta Amazonica +

Acta Biológica Colombiana +

Acta Biológica Paranaense +

Acta Bioquímica Clínica Latinoamericana +

Acta Histochemica et Eytochemica +

Acta neurobiologiae Experimentalis +

Acta Scientiarum : Biological Sciences +

Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae +

Acta Zoologica Mexicana. +

Advances in Bioinformatics +

Advances in Environmental Biology +

African Journal of Biomedical Research +

African Journal of Biotechnology +

Alavesia +

Algorithms for Molecular Biology +

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias. +

Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Biologie +

Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences +

Aquatic Invasions +


BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management +

Biharean Biologist +

Biociências +

Biodiversity Informatics +

Biodiversity Science +

Biogeosciences +

Biogeosciences Discussions +

Bioinformatics and Biology Insights +

Bioinformation +

Biointerphases +

BioJournal +

Biological Procedures Online +

Biological Research +

Biology Direct +

Biomarker Insights +

Biomédica +

Biomedical Research +

Bioquimia +

Biota Neotropica +

Biotemas +

BMC Bioinformatics +

BMC Biology +

BMC Cell Biology +

BMC Developmental Biology +

BMC Ecology +

BMC Evolutionary Biology +

BMC Molecular Biology +

BMC Research Notes +

BMC Structural Biology +

BMC Systems Biology +

Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas +

Brains, Minds & Media +

Brazilian Journal of Biology +

Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research +


Caldasia : boletín del Instituto de ciencias naturales, Facultad de ciencias de la Universidad nacional de Colombia +

CBE-Life Sciences Education +

Cell & Chromosome +

Cell Communication and Signaling +

Cell Structure and Function +

Check List +

Collectanea Botanica +

Communications in Biometry and Crop Science +

Comunicaciones de la Sociedad Malacológica del Uruguay +

Conservation Evidence +

Current Science +


Darwiniana : Revista del Instituto de Botanica Darwinion +

DNA Research +

Dugesiana +


Ecología Austral +

Egyptian Journal of Biology +

EurAsian Journal of Biosciences +

EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology +

European Cells and Materials (ECM) +

Evolutionary Bioinformatics +

EXCLI Journal +

Experimental and Molecular Medicine EMM +


Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica +


Gene Regulation and Systems Biology +

Gene Therapy & Molecular Biology +

Genomics, Society and Policy +


In Silico Biology +

International Journal of Biological Sciences +

International Journal of Biomedical Science +

International Journal of Biomedical Sciences +

International Journal of Integrative Biology +

Internet Electronic Journal of Molecular Design +

Investigaciones marinas +

Iranian Biomedical Journal +


Journal of Applied Biological Sciences +

Journal of Autoimmune Diseases (JAD) +

Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology +

Journal of Biological Engineering +

Journal of Biological Research +

Journal of Biological Sciences +

Journal of Biology +

Journal of Biomedical Discovery and Collaboration +

Journal of Biophysics +

Journal of Biosciences +

Journal of Circadian Rhythms +


The Internet Journal of Genomics and Proteomics +

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