
Quiz on Cinnamon

Quiz on Cinnamon

Cinnamon is more than just an exotic spice - it's a treasure trove of warmth and flavor with a rich history that spans centuries.

Harvested from the inner bark of the Cinnamon tree, this aromatic spice is cherished for its sweet, woody fragrance and bold, warming taste. Whether sprinkled over your morning coffee, infused into a savory curry, or used in traditional remedies, cinnamon (Dalchini) adds a touch of elegance and health benefits that make every dish feel special.

Cinnamon is mainly used in the aroma and essence industries due to its fragrance, which can be incorporated into different varieties of foodstuffs, perfumes, and medicinal products.

Cinnamon has also been traditionally used as a tooth powder and to treat toothaches, dental problems, oral microbiota, and bad breath (1 Trusted Source
Cinnamon: A Multifaceted Medicinal Plant

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This Quiz has 10 questions.


How long has been cinnamon used in traditional medicine?

Cinnamon Quiz Responses

Test your knowledge about cinnamon with our 10 questions and if your get them wrong, read up the answers with explanation. This quiz. covers the below topics:
  • History (2 Trusted Source
    Cinnamon: Mystic powers of a minute ingredient

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  • Health properties (3 Trusted Source
    Medicinal properties of 'true' cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum): a systematic review

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  • Health benefits (4 Trusted Source
    Literature Database Content

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  • Compounds (5 Trusted Source

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  • Recommended daily intake (6 Trusted Source
    Cinnamon: Health Benefits and Side Effects

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