
Quiz on Lactose Intolerance

Quiz on Lactose Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide where the body has difficulty digesting lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. This occurs due to a deficiency in lactase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down lactose. When lactose isn’t properly digested, it can lead to uncomfortable symptoms. While lactose intolerance is not dangerous, it can affect daily life and dietary habits.


This Quiz has 12 questions.


What is lactose intolerance?

Lactose Intolerance Quiz Responses

This quiz helps to understand lactose intolerance, including its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.
  1. How do you know if you're lactose intolerant? (1 Trusted Source
    Lactose Intolerance

    Go to source
    ), (2 Trusted Source
    Lactose intolerance: Learn More - Causes and diagnosis of lactose intolerance

    Go to source
    ), (7 Trusted Source
    Discover the Cheeses You Can Eat (Even if You Are Lactose Intolerant)

    Go to source
  2. Misconception about lactose intolerance? (4 Trusted Source
    About Lactose intolerance

    Go to source
    ), (5 Trusted Source
    Lactose-Free v. Dairy-Free: How to Tell the Difference

    Go to source
  3. What is the role of lactobacillus in lactose intolerance? (11 Trusted Source
    Information Lactose Intolerance

    Go to source
    ), (12 Trusted Source
    Fermented foods and probiotics: An approach to lactose intolerance

    Go to source
  4. How to test for lactose intolerance? (9 Trusted Source
    Health Benefits of Probiotics: A Review

    Go to source
  5. What is best food to avoid lactose intolerance? (6 Trusted Source
    Lactose intolerance

    Go to source
    ), (8 Trusted Source
    Lactose tolerance tests

    Go to source
  6. What is the best medicine for lactose intolerance? (10 Trusted Source
    Lactose digestion from yogurt: mechanism and relevance

    Go to source
    ), (12 Trusted Source
    Fermented foods and probiotics: An approach to lactose intolerance

    Go to source