Amrita Surendranath's Profile

B.Sc, M.Sc.

Amrita Surendranath

Amrita has a masters in Human Genetics from Sri Ramachandra medical College and is hooked onto everything even remotely associated with genes. She loves every aspect of writing, the research, planning and actually weaving all the thoughts together. If she's not writing, she's busy being an avid view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Growing a New Kidney Chances Now Higher Due to a New Technique That can Supply Endless Number of Kidney Cells

Growing a New Kidney Chances Now Higher Due to a New Technique That can Supply Endless Number of Kidney Cells

The quest for growing a new kidney is closer. A new technique to grow kidney cells for more than 15 months will help generate a new kidney in the lab.

Health In Focus
Genes Determine the Shape of Your Face

Genes Determine the Shape of Your Face

Genes determine the shape of the face, and recent advances make it possible to enable re-creation of a face using genetic clues.

Health In Focus
Soft Robot Sans Batteries and Circuits to Revolutionize Medicine

Soft Robot Sans Batteries and Circuits to Revolutionize Medicine

Harvard University scientists develop soft robot that have no batteries or circuits and run on hydrogen peroxide as fuel, revolutionizing medicine.

Health In Focus
Select the Right Indoor Plants and Avoid Sick Building Syndrome

Select the Right Indoor Plants and Avoid Sick Building Syndrome

Indoor air pollution is a lesser known entity but it can make you feel sick. bromeliad indoor plants lower the level of volatile organic pollutants.

Health In Focus
Fluorescent Neurotransmitter Helps Understand Thoughts

Fluorescent Neurotransmitter Helps Understand Thoughts

Sensors that help detect neurotransmitters in the brain have been developed, allowing imaging of processes involved in thinking and addiction.

Health In Focus