Anita Ramesh's Profile

Anita has completed Masters in Applied Psychology with Specialization in Clinical Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai. Her under graduation was from Women's Christian College, Chennai. Anita believes that counseling plays a crucial role in fighting against mental health view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Mental Health during COVID-19: Top Tips to Manage COVID Anxiety, Depression
Coping with mental health during COVID-19 is the need of the hour. The article highlights top tips to manage mental health and well-being during the pandemic.

Impact of Exercise on Mental Health
Exercise and physical activity improve mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, stress, and other mental health conditions. Exercise helps reduce the risk of blood pressure, diabetes.

Ways to Manage Stress during COVID-19 Pandemic
It is normal to feel sad or stressed during a crisis or pandemic. Here are tops ways to cope with stress and anxiety during COVID-19 pandemic.

Top 9 Reasons Why We Should Practice Kindness
Did you know that being kind has many benefits? Acts of kindness foster belonging and happiness, boosts confidence, and reduces stress and pain. Find out how!

Worst Mistakes Parents Make When Talking to Kids
Did you know that common mistakes of parents while communicating with their kids can have along-lasting harmful effects? Learn more about the art of communication with children.