Anjali Aryamvally's Profile

B.Tech (Genetic Engineering)

Anjali Aryamvally

Anjali is an undergraduate in Genetic Engineering from SRM University, Chennai. She is passionate about bringing changes in healthcare through a combination of genetics and social work. Anjali is an avid reader who enjoys writing. Her hobbies include gardening and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Common Cold Virus Increases Survival In Brain Tumor Patients

Common Cold Virus Increases Survival In Brain Tumor Patients

Engineered common cold virus injected directly into the brain kills cancer cells and increases survival of patients with a malignant tumor called glioblastoma.

Health In Focus
Future Antibiotics Could be Obtained from Ants

Future Antibiotics Could be Obtained from Ants

Study reveals that some ant species produce powerful antibiotics which can inspire a new generation of antibiotics.

Health In Focus
Gene Editing Tool Crispr-Cas9 Corrects Mutations In Muscular Dystrophy Patients

Gene Editing Tool Crispr-Cas9 Corrects Mutations In Muscular Dystrophy Patients

Myoediting technique used along with gene-editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 can restore dystrophin protein in patients affected with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

Health In Focus
Impact of Chronic Diseases on Cancer Risk

Impact of Chronic Diseases on Cancer Risk

Several chronic diseases including cardiovascular diseases and diabetes increase a person’s lifetime risk of developing cancer.

Health In Focus
Computer-aided Technology Helps Surgeons “see Through” a Limb During Surgery

Computer-aided Technology Helps Surgeons “see Through” a Limb During Surgery

Surgeons use computer technology called augmented reality in limb operation that allows them to see internal tissues and reconnect blood vessels.

Health In Focus