Anjali Aryamvally's Profile

B.Tech (Genetic Engineering)

Anjali Aryamvally

Anjali is an undergraduate in Genetic Engineering from SRM University, Chennai. She is passionate about bringing changes in healthcare through a combination of genetics and social work. Anjali is an avid reader who enjoys writing. Her hobbies include gardening and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Active Ingredient from Coralberry Leaves to Fight Asthma

Active Ingredient from Coralberry Leaves to Fight Asthma

A newly identified compound, FR900359 (FR), from coralberry leaves inhibit G protein and prevent broncho-constriction in asthmatic mouse.

Health In Focus
Mepolizumab Antibody Therapy to Help Treatment of Resistant COPD Patients

Mepolizumab Antibody Therapy to Help Treatment of Resistant COPD Patients

About 40% of COPD patients are resistant to standard treatment and continue to have flare ups; mepolizumab, an antibody therapy may help them, says study.

Health In Focus
Genetic Factors Found to Play Vital Role in Late Onset Type 1 Diabetes

Genetic Factors Found to Play Vital Role in Late Onset Type 1 Diabetes

A first study on diabetes and the underlying genetic cause confirms the role of certain genes that predispose one to type 1 diabetes.

Health In Focus
World Sepsis Day-2017

World Sepsis Day-2017

Sepsis is the leading cause of death all around the world; world sepsis day is held on 13th September of every year to unite in the fight against sepsis.

Health Watch
Genetic Testing During Non-invasive Prenatal Testing Uncovers Rare Autosomal Trisomies

Genetic Testing During Non-invasive Prenatal Testing Uncovers Rare Autosomal Trisomies

Noninvasive prenatal testing including all 23 pairs of chromosomes discovers rare trisomies that suggest feto-placental diseases and miscarriages.

Health In Focus