Dr. Avinash Ramani's Profile
M.Sc, Ph.D ( Bioinformatics)

Dr. Avinash Ramani earned his BTech and Master's in Bioinformatics from Anna University and conducted significant research at IIT Madras. His innovations in cfDNA-based diagnostics have led to a US Patent, multiple government grants, and advancements in early cancer detection and non-invasive view more..
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Acrochordon or Skin tags are small, harmless, benign skin tumor or growths, usually formed in areas where the skin forms creases or folds. Skin tags look like small, soft balloons hanging from the skin.

Braxton Hicks Contractions
Braxton Hicks contractions, also called as prodromal labor or false labor pains are sporadic, unpredictable uterine contractions that mostly occur in late second trimester and in third trimester.

Cluster Headache
Cluster headache is a periodic, intense, sharp, burning and explosive pain that begins suddenly on one side of the head and tends to get worse quickly, reaching its peak within 10 minutes.

Toenail Fungus
Toenail Fungus or onychomycosis is a common fungal infection of toenails often affecting adults. Toenail fungus occurs following spread of fungal infection from nearby areas especially the toes.

Tension Headache
Tension headache or Stress Headache is the most common type of headache that occurs at any age, and is characterized by pain in head, scalp and neck along with muscle stiffness.