Colleen Fleiss's Profile


Colleen Fleiss

Colleen is a well-versed medical writer, who has written on various medical topics. She writes under her pen name contributing news to Medindia.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Prolonged Immigration Detention Harms Health

Prolonged Immigration Detention Harms Health

Prolonged immigration detention severely impacts mental and physical health, causing stress, anxiety, and long-term psychological harm.

Research News
Immunotherapy Improves Outcomes for Breast Cancer Patients

Immunotherapy Improves Outcomes for Breast Cancer Patients

Australian researchers achieve a breakthrough in improving breast cancer cure rates, offering new hope for patients worldwide.

Cancer News
Precision Prostate Cancer: Genomic Tests Guide Personalized Treatment

Precision Prostate Cancer: Genomic Tests Guide Personalized Treatment

Genomic tests are revolutionizing prostate cancer care, enabling precise, personalized treatment tailored to each patient.

Cancer News
The OCD Mind: How Anxiety and Reward-Seeking Influence Choices

The OCD Mind: How Anxiety and Reward-Seeking Influence Choices

Researchers explore decision-making processes in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) to better understand its impact on behavior and cognitive patterns.

Mental Health News
Keys to Effective Leukemia Cell Therapies Identified

Keys to Effective Leukemia Cell Therapies Identified

Researchers have identified key factors that determine the success of leukemia cell therapies, including DLI, in achieving remission.

Cancer News