Dr. Hena Mariam's Profile

Dr. Hena Mariam has completed her bachelors of dental surgery and is currently practicing in a well-established dental practice. She is passionate about healthcare and making a difference in people's lives. Her hobbies include traveling, films, and exploring different cuisines.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Choosing Between Your Health and Your Wallet
A recent study shows that when people have to choose between affordable prices for nutritious food, they often choose lower prices.

Diabetes and Hypertension: Why is India Suddenly Seeing a Spike?
An alarming survey reveals that over 11% of Indians suffer from diabetes and 36% from hypertension.

Interesting Facts on Stress
Response given by the body to any kind of demand is called stress. Both good and bad experiences can cause stress. Knowing how to manage stress is important for physical and mental well-being.

Unveiling the Hidden Bacterial Species Behind Tooth Decay
Scientists have discovered a new species of bacteria that lends a hand in tooth decay.

Can COVID-19 ‘Fuse’ Your Brain Cells?
The cause of long COVID's neurological effects may be the fusing of brain cells.