Dr. Lakshmi Venkataraman's Profile

Lakshmi is a qualified post-graduate medical doctor and an alumni from Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, Porur, Chennai. During her academic career she developed and published an Android App called 'drexampill' that contains study material for First and Second year MBBS view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Take a Stand Against Ageism – Celebrate the Elderly on the International Older Person’s Day 2016
The theme for 2016 International Day of Older Adults is, ‘Take a Stand Against Ageism’. It hopes to combat discrimination against the ageing population.

Cancer Drug Nilotinib Being Tested As Treatment For Alzheimer’s In New Clinical Trial
A new clinical trial is evaluating Nilotinib, a cancer drug as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s disease.

COPD Symptoms Worsen With High Indoor Temperatures and Pollution Levels
High indoor temperatures and pollution worsen chronic obstructive pulmonary disease symptoms, and keeping indoor climate to optimum may improve health outcome.

Hormone Therapy In Prostate Cancer Ups Cardiac Death Risk In Men With A History Of Heart Disease
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer may up heart-related deaths in men with a prior history of heart disease.

Childhood Hypertension Linked To Cognitive Dysfunction
Childhood hypertension may affect cognition, causing problems in learning and social interaction. Early diagnosis and treatment may improve their cognitive skills.