Dr. Meenakshy Varier's Profile

BAMS, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management

Dr. Meenakshy Varier

A doctor who is qualified in complementary medicine and keeps herself abreast with what is latest in the medical field through constant research. Meenakshy has worked as a content writer in the past and continues to contribute as a Freelancer. Her other interests include reading, writing, cooking view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Ear Infections in Children Respond Better to Standard 10-Day Antibiotic Regimen

Ear Infections in Children Respond Better to Standard 10-Day Antibiotic Regimen

When treating children aged 9-23 months of age, a standard 10-day antibiotic regimen had beneficial results for acute ear infections.

Health Watch
Childhood Abuse Has Long-Term Economic Consequences

Childhood Abuse Has Long-Term Economic Consequences

People who were neglected and abused as children are more likely to suffer from long-term illness and refrain from work.

Health Watch
Heart Attack Risk Higher Among School Dropouts

Heart Attack Risk Higher Among School Dropouts

Research states that the chance of having an heart attack is double among individuals who have not completed high-school.

Health Watch
‘Living Bandage’ For Knee Injury

‘Living Bandage’ For Knee Injury

New treatment for meniscal tear involves using stem cells which improves the recovery process.

Health Watch
Cancer Survivors Experience Low Health-Related Quality of Life

Cancer Survivors Experience Low Health-Related Quality of Life

Cancer survivors suffer from anxiety and depression following diagnosis of cancer.

Health In Focus