Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian's Profile


Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian

Dr. Preethi Balasubramanian is a multi-talented professional who embarked on her journey as a dentist. With two years of dental practice experience in Mumbai and Mayapur, she honed her skills and knowledge in oral healthcare. Transitioning into the realm of content writing, Preethi's expertise found view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Understanding Postpartum Pelvic Floor Changes

Understanding Postpartum Pelvic Floor Changes

Postpartum can strain your pelvic floor muscles, leading to leaks & pain. Learn how to regain strength & enjoy a healthy recovery!

Disease & Condition
Maximizing Bone Health Through All Stages of Life

Maximizing Bone Health Through All Stages of Life

Learn how to build and maintain strong bones from childhood through senior years.

Preventive Health
Hantavirus Explained: From Symptoms to Treatment

Hantavirus Explained: From Symptoms to Treatment

Learn about hantavirus which is a rare but serious illness spread through contact with infected rodents.

Disease & Condition
World Organ Donation Day: Be the Reason for Someone's Smile Today!

World Organ Donation Day: Be the Reason for Someone's Smile Today!

World Organ Donation Day highlights the importance of organ donation and aims to boost awareness and registrations, saving lives and improving patient outcomes.

Health Watch
How Pregnancy Reshapes the Brain for Parenthood

How Pregnancy Reshapes the Brain for Parenthood

Pregnancy triggers significant brain changes, shrinking key areas to enhance maternal behaviors and attachment, with long-term effects on cognitive and emotional functions.

Health Watch