Dr. Ravali Neerumalla's Profile


Dr. Ravali Neerumalla

Dr. Ravali graduated MBBS in March 2013 from MNR Medical College, India. She has worked in various Hospitals as a Duty Medical Officer. Dr. Ravali has experience in Pediatrics and Cardiology in the United States, and was also a research intern in the department of Cardiac Electrophysiology at KUMC, view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Encephalocele - Congenital Neural Tube Defect

Encephalocele - Congenital Neural Tube Defect

Encephalocele is a birth defect where a sac like protrusion of brain and covering membranes occurs through the abnormal gap in between the skull bones due to failed neural tube closure during fetal development.

Disease & Condition
Hypothyroidism during Pregnancy

Hypothyroidism during Pregnancy

Hypothyroidism is a health condition where the thyroid gland produces less thyroid hormone. Hypothyroidism during pregnancy can seriously impact the health of the mother and baby in the womb.

Disease & Condition


Arthrogryposis or Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC) is not a specific diagnosis but a clinical finding of permanent shortening of joints (also termed non-progressive congenital contractures) present at birth. Affected persons have stiff joints and muscle weakness.

Disease & Condition


Hyperkalemia is a high level of potassium in the body. When potassium in the blood is above 5.5 mmol/l, it is called hyperkalemia and can lead to fatal changes in heart rhythm.

Disease & Condition
Summer Safety Tips for Elderly

Summer Safety Tips for Elderly

Brace yourself for this summer. Summer in India is scary; the elderly especially are more prone to heat-related illnesses. A few tips can prevent the adversities due to high temperatures.

Lifestyle Articles