Dr. Reeja Tharu's Profile

Dr. Reeja Tharu has an M. Phil and a Ph.D in Biomedical Genetics from the University of Madras. She is passionate about health issues and adept at presenting complex health topics in easy to understand language. She contributes both as a writer and an editor on the site.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Urea Cycle Disorders
A urea cycle disorder is a genetic condition which elevates the blood ammonia concentration above the normal level.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Encyclopedia section of medindia gives a brief introduction to infertility and reproduction

Diabetic Kidney Disease
Diabetic nephropathy refers to kidney damage due very high levels of blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Breast Feeding
Encyclopedia section of medindia explains in brief about the directions of breast feeding