Dr. Navapriya S's Profile

Dr. Navapriya completed her UG in dentistry. With Medindia she is exploring the art of writing and content creation. She enjoys exploring various music genres and books.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

India’s Growing Cancer Burden: 1.57 Million Cases Expected by 2025
Discover why cancer cases have doubled in India since 1990. Learn about causes, prevention, and advancements in treatment.

Childhood Epilepsy: Trigger, Diet and First Aid
Learn about childhood epilepsy, its causes, and management strategies, including first aid tips and the role of diet in seizure control.

Lung Cancer Without Smoking?
Discover how air pollution is emerging as a significant cause of lung cancer in non-smokers.

Is Genetic Testing a Key to Prevent Cancer?
Explore how genetic testing and precision oncology are revolutionizing cancer treatment by offering personalized care and targeted therapies.

"O'stress" Success: Effective Stress Management for Senior
Discover the O'stress program, a stress management initiative that lowers chronic stress and anxiety in seniors.