Dr. Simi Paknikar's Profile


Dr. Simi Paknikar

Dr. Simi Paknikar is an MD in Pharmacology with professional experience of over a decade, that includes medical writing, teaching and conducting quality audits for medical services companies. Dr Paknikar is passionate about educating consumers about health and keeps abreast of the latest medical view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of Breath

Dyspnea or Shortness of Breath is a medical emergency and is a condition the leaves us breathless, literally! It is usually caused by a problem in the respiratory passage or in the heart.

Top 10 Vaccine Myths Debunked

Top 10 Vaccine Myths Debunked

Childhood vaccination has saved many lives, yet lots more has to be done to increase awareness and eliminate myths regarding vaccines.

Drug Related Articles
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

Triple-negative breast cancers are ER negative, PR negative, and lack overexpression of HER-2. They are difficult to treat and are very aggressive.

Blood Pressure Screening

Blood Pressure Screening

Hypertension accounts for nearly 6% of deaths worldwide.

Health Screening Test


Trichobezoars are undigested masses of hair mixed with food particles in the abdomen hairball and it is especially common in women with psychiatric disorders.

Disease & Condition