Himabindu Venkatakrishnan's Profile
Her expertise is in the area of speech and hearing and she also holds a certificate in Medical Transcription. She is an activist against 'heavy school bags' that can cause damage to the "backs" of young kids in India.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Anaphylaxis, the acute life-threatening allergic reaction caused by insect bites or eating certain foods, requires immediate emergency treatment as it can be fatal.
Test Your Knowledge on Medical Face Masks
Medical face masks are used to protect surgeons or healthcare workers from infection and body fluids. Surgical masks are effective against pollution and asthma.
Urinary Diversion
Diversion procedures include Ileal conduit, uretero-sig are done to bypass the bladder when it is either compromised or has to be removed due to cancer or other reasons.
Muscle Twitching
Involuntary muscle twitching occurs as repetitive muscle spasms in a group of muscles. The cause of muscle twitches determines the treatment procedure and outcome.
10 Ways to Manage Low Back Pain at Home
Home remedies for severe lower back pain are most sought after in today’s lifestyle. Chronic back and hip pain relief is possible with simple measures at home.