Jayashree Thakwani's Profile

Jayashree holds Masters in Pharmaceutics from Mumbai University. She has extensive experience in R&D of pharmaceutical formulations. Her hobbies include reading, writing, traveling, listening to music and painting.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Good Moods Due to Opioids? Newly Discovered Brain Region Responsible
A previously understudied brain region is responsible for the feeling of opioid reward, which was earlier attributed to the dopamine related mechanism.

Potential Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease! New Markers Will Pave the Way
New targets and biomarkers linked to Alzheimer’s disease, proven in a study at Emory University, paving the way for potential innovative therapies.

Brain Interprets Visuals Based on Existing Knowledge
The brain retains and uses organized information, helping us recognize visual stimuli based on past experiences.

Top Ten Productivity Hacks for People with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
How can people with ADHD boost productivity? Discover ten effective hacks, from breaking tasks into steps to using the Pomodoro Technique.

Why Green Almonds Should Be Your Go-To Snack This Monsoon
Why are green almonds essential for your monsoon health? Packed with nutrients, green almonds boost immunity, digestion, heart health, and more.