Jayashree Thakwani's Profile


Jayashree Thakwani

Jayashree holds Masters in Pharmaceutics from Mumbai University. She has extensive experience in R&D of pharmaceutical formulations. Her hobbies include reading, writing, traveling, listening to music and painting.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Medications for Acid Reflux: A Likely Cause for Migraine?

Medications for Acid Reflux: A Likely Cause for Migraine?

Commonly used drugs for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may cause migraine headaches and other side effects on long-term use.

Health Watch
European Wellness Initiative - Stem Cell Research for Down Syndrome

European Wellness Initiative - Stem Cell Research for Down Syndrome

The collaboration of European Wellness Biomedical Group with EWA, Baden Lab, and Heidelberg University led to a breakthrough research, leading to promising cure for Down Syndrome.

Health In Focus
Advanced Generation Cephalosporin Approved by US FDA

Advanced Generation Cephalosporin Approved by US FDA

Basilea achieves a breakthrough with the US FDA approval for a new therapy for the treatment of severe infections, the first by the FDA after more than 15 years.

Health In Focus
Adverse Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medicines on Pregnant Women and Fetus

Adverse Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis Medicines on Pregnant Women and Fetus

Certain drugs for rheumatoid arthritis may lead to abortion or stillbirth if used during pregnancy.

Health In Focus
Effect of PSA Screening on Prostate Cancer Mortality Rate at 15-Years

Effect of PSA Screening on Prostate Cancer Mortality Rate at 15-Years

Comparison of prostate cancer mortality rate conducted on subjects with a single invitation for PSA screening.

Health In Focus