Jayashree's Profile
Jayashree has been a trainer for Spoken English & Communication for 12 years and has published a book titled 'Spoken English'. She has written health articles for Medindia.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

National Nutrition Week 2022: Celebrating a World of Flavors
National Nutrition Week 2022 is celebrated in the first week of September to raise awareness about the need for adequate nutrition and healthy eating habits.

Longest COVID-19 Infection Lasted for 505 Days in an UK Patient
UK doctors have recorded the longest COVID-19 infection in a patient they treated who had detectable levels of the virus for more than 505 days.

New Online Tool for Hearing Loss Research Data Launched
A new free online tool helps researchers utilize complex data from sophisticated studies involving hearing function to promotes new discoveries to reverse hearing loss.

Lack of Mental Health Support During COVID-19 Pandemic
People experiencing food insecurity during COVID-19 pandemic neglect mental health care services to prioritize over food need required care.

New Implant Reduces Arthritis Discomfort
New 3D printed implants reduce discomfort for arthritis patients by realigning the knee to become more stable, comfortable and able to bear weight than existing generic plates.