Jeffil Obadiah's Profile


Jeffil Obadiah

Jeffil is currently an aspiring Geologist, ardent writer, spokesperson, and a cook. He loves to live his life to the fullest and fulfill the higher purpose of his existence. He also likes philosophy and loves to impact people wherever he goes.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Motivational Text Messages May Help Diabetics Control Their Blood Sugar

Motivational Text Messages May Help Diabetics Control Their Blood Sugar

Patients with diabetes and coronary heart disease can improve their health conditions by using a low-cost text-messaging program.

Health Watch
Cooking Based Pollution Can Be Traced Using a New Method

Cooking Based Pollution Can Be Traced Using a New Method

A new method which can help trace the cooking pollution found. This method could help developing countries to keep unstable levels at check.

Health Watch
Lowering Carbohydrate Intake  Helps Type 2 Diabetics' to Keep Blood Sugar Under Control

Lowering Carbohydrate Intake Helps Type 2 Diabetics' to Keep Blood Sugar Under Control

Low carb diet with an increased share of protein and fat can help patients with type 2 diabetes to be in control of their blood sugar levels.

Health Watch