Kesavan K.E.T.'s Profile

Kesavan hails from Chennai and has received Bachelor of Engineering (CSE) from Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg. Collage, Chennai. He has worked as an editor servicing leading publishers for over 14 years, and currently he is onto content writing and coordination also. He loves editing articles, view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

How Mangosteen Peel Extract is Helping With Intestinal Inflammation
Mangosteen peels have extracts of hydroxy-xanthones, which is antioxidant rich, can kill germs and halt infections in intestine. Humans and animals can be benefited in the future.

Which is a Better Form of Exercise: Daily or Weekly?
New research indicates that although exercise is important, it is better to do a little every day or doing a lot a few times in a week.

How to Reduce Risk of False Negatives for At-Home COVID-19 Tests?
FDA Safety Communication has introduced at-home COVID-19 antigen tests to take steps to reduce your risk of false negative results of COVID-19 infection.

How to Reduce the Use of Plastics as a Family?
You can do your bit to reduce, reuse, and recycle and therefore slowly eliminate single-use plastics at home. Try it and take the initiative today.

New Vaccine to Treat COVID-19 and Its Variant Omicron
The UK has become the first country to develop and approve a new COVID-19 jab specifically targeting the variant Omicron by the company Moderna.