Krishna Bora's Profile
B.Sc. (Microbiology)
Krishna is a student of Microbiology; apart from learning the subject, she has deep interest in sciences. She is aspiring to become a good citizen of the country and a successful researcher in life.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Doping Test
Doping tests are done to prevent unethical ways to win games since early 90s. Since then, many famous athletes were caught using steroids to win a sport and set a mark in history.

Did you know how healthy avocados are and how they can benefit you during your pregnancy, control diabetes and prevent stroke? Read to know the health benefits of avocados.

Do you know how a piece of charcoal can save you from snakebites and poisoning? Read more to know the treatments doctors provide with activated carbon to save lives.

Air Conditioner Health Hazards
This section gives a brief introduction about what air conditioner health hazard means and what kind of people get affected by it, and what causes them.

Antioxidants to Help You When You Quit Smoking
Smoking is injurious to health, but it sure is a tough addiction to stop. Cure yourself with the power of antioxidants to eliminate health risks such as lung cancer and dental problems.