Dr. Leena M's Profile


Dr. Leena M

Leena M is a dental intern at Tagore Dental College & Hospital. She believes that clear and accurate health information helps people make better healthcare choices. Her passion for writing comes from her desire to simplify medical knowledge for everyone. She has presented award-winning view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Tough Battle of Keeping Organs Alive

Tough Battle of Keeping Organs Alive

Advances in preservation methods like machine perfusion and cryopreservation offer hope against the shortage of donor organs.

Organ Donation News
HIV Cure Closer? Scientists Discovers New Way to Trace Dormant HIV Cells

HIV Cure Closer? Scientists Discovers New Way to Trace Dormant HIV Cells

A new method is developed to track dormant HIV-infected cells. This breakthrough may lead to new treatments that eliminate the virus.

Oral Cancer Risk Spikes With High Sugar Drinks

Oral Cancer Risk Spikes With High Sugar Drinks

High sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) intake is linked to a 4.87x higher risk of oral cavity cancer (OCC) in women. Even nonsmokers and light drinkers face increased risk.

Research News
Stipend Revision for Medical Interns

Stipend Revision for Medical Interns

MoHFW increased the MBBS intern stipend to Rs. 30,070 per month, effective January 1, 2022.

General News
Menopause Fatigue? Heavy Periods Could Be a Major Factor

Menopause Fatigue? Heavy Periods Could Be a Major Factor

Heavy bleeding leads to iron deficiency anemia, a known cause of extreme tiredness.

Research News