Mohamed Fathima S's Profile

Fathima has completed her Masters in Food Service Management and Dietetics from Women's Christian College (WCC), Chennai. She feels that once knowledge is acquired, it should not be contained within oneself, rather should serve the purpose. Her interests are teaching, reading, writing, sewing and view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Lead Toxicity Promotes Fat Accumulation in the Liver: IIT Study
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi have shown how lead intake promotes accumulation of fat in the liver which can cause obesity.

Skin Nerves also Play a Key Role in Fighting Infections
Pain-sensing nerves also help fight skin infections and prevent its spread, reveals a new study published in Cell. Researchers suggest this new type of immunity as anticipatory immunity .

How HIV-Infected Cells Cause a Range of Metabolic Conditions?
HIV-infected cells release vesicles that contain a viral protein called Nef, impairing cholesterol metabolism and triggering inflammation in uninfected bystander cells.

Gut Bacteria in Mice Prevent Obesity: Study
A specific class of bacteria from the gut prevent mice from becoming obese, suggesting these same microbes may similarly control weight in people, reveals a new research.

Severely Malnourished Children are Less Exposed to Antimalarial Treatments
Severe malnutrition is associated with lower exposure to the antimalarial drug lumefantrine in children treated with artemether-lumefantrine, the most common treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria.