Pooja Srivastava Banerjee's Profile
M. Pharm
A Pharmacist by profession, Pooja has working experience in academics, research, education management and medical writing. She has a passion for writing and a flair for putting technical facts creatively. Pooja has written blogs, web content, research manuscripts, research proposals, review view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
FDA to Phase Out Trans-Fat from Food
The FDA has mandated trans-fats to be phased out within 3 years because it leads to chronic diseases such as overweight, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders.
FDA Warns of Ketoacidosis With Newer Diabetes Drugs
FDA has issued warning against the use of SGLT2 inhibitors (Type 2 diabetes medication), as the drug correlates with the occurrence of diabetic ketoacidosis.
Home Remedies for Nail Fungus
Here are a list of natural remedies to treat nail fungus which includes the use of herbs, nutrition and dietary supplements.