Reshma Anand's Profile

B.Tech, M. E.

Reshma Anand

Her broad concerns for environmental issues have led her to pursue masters in environmental engineering. She loves to cook, and her long-term goal is to become an entrepreneur.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top Doīs and Donīts of Traveling While Pregnant

Top Doīs and Donīts of Traveling While Pregnant

Pregnancy and travel can be a safer bonding by following simple but proper precautions based on the modes of travel.

Lifestyle Articles
Top 10 Tips to Prevent Motion Sickness

Top 10 Tips to Prevent Motion Sickness

Do you often feel sick while traveling? It may be due to motion sickness. Here we give you the top 10 tips to prevent motion sickness easily.

Disease & Condition
Top 10 Health Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin, Hair and Eye

Top 10 Health Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin, Hair and Eye

Start eating Vitamin E rich foods such as nuts and oilseeds, whole grains and green leafy vegetables and you can bid goodbye to most of your hair, eye and skin problems.

Diet Articles
Naegleriasis (Brain-Eating Amoeba Infection)

Naegleriasis (Brain-Eating Amoeba Infection)

Naegleriasis or Brain-Eating Amoeba Infection is a rare fatal brain infection caused by amoeba commonly found in rivers, lakes and the soil.

Disease & Condition
Blackheads / Comedones

Blackheads / Comedones

Blackheads or comedones are skin abrasions formed due to clogging of hair follicle with excess sebum. Learn more about its various treatment methods.

Disease & Condition