Sudha Bhat's Profile
M.Pharm, R.Ph (US)
She has experience working in drug regulatory affairs working closely with US FDA and dealing with pertinent product literature and approval of new products to be marketed.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed
Nasolabial Cyst
Find the interesting facts of nasolabial cyst including symptoms, causes, treatment, diagnosis, complications, and more information.
Skin Substitutes
Find the facts of skin substitutes including types, advantages and disadvantages of skin substitutes.
Ground-Breaking Success! Use of Gene Therapy for a Rare Form of Retina Disease
A study conducted using gene therapy in Leber's congenital amaurosis has shown remarkable results within weeks of treatment.
Granulated Brazil Nuts Show Tremendous Potential in Reducing Hypertension and Lipids
A recent study has shown that granulated Brazil nuts can increase antioxidants and, reduce serum lipid and BP in hypertensive and dyslipidemic patients.
Blood Pressure Cuffs - Are you measuring your Blood Pressure Right?
Your health care provider may use a blood pressure monitor to measure blood pressure or suggest the use of home blood pressure monitor for a better BP control.