Sudha Bhat's Profile
M.Pharm, R.Ph (US)

She has experience working in drug regulatory affairs working closely with US FDA and dealing with pertinent product literature and approval of new products to be marketed.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Serum Selenium Concentration in Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
A study was conducted to evaluate serum selenium concentration in women with gestational diabetes mellitus via a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Dietary Assessment Methods Validated Using Carotenoids and Alkylresorcinols as Objective Biomarkers
Carotenoids and alkylresorcinols were used as objective biomarkers to assess the validity of two dietary assessment tools, the Riksmaten method and MiniMeal-Q.

Go Nuts!!! Eat Almonds for a Healthy Heart
A recent meta-analysis reveals that almonds play a major role in heart health and cause a significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

Dementia Patients With Pneumonia - Effectiveness of a Practice Guideline for Optimal Symptom Relief
A study was undertaken to check the effectiveness of practice guidelines on comfort and symptom relief of advanced dementia patients with pneumonia.

Women With Appendix or Tonsils Removed Are More Fertile
New research reveals that women who have their tonsils or appendix removed when they are young have improved fertility as compared to the rest of the population.