Surangama Guha's Profile
MA (Sociology), MA (Media and Communications)

Surangama hails from Kolkata, and has worked as a full time lecturer of Sociology in Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Government College, Kolkata, for two years, before moving to Chennai. She has been freelancing for various national newspapers and online news portals for over five years. She is an avid view more..
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Foods to Avoid to Keep Acid Reflux At Bay
Acid reflux is a common problem among people. Modification in eating habits can help to improve the symptoms of acid reflux.

Here´s How Neem Oil Can Keep Your Skin Healthy
Neem oil contains various healthy compounds that relieve symptoms of skin conditions. Learn different ways to apply neem oil.

How to Lose Weight with Noni Juice - Drink Up Now!
Noni is a traditional medicinal plant, also known as Indian mulberry. It has various health benefits and considered to be beneficial in weight loss program.

Top 6 Benefits of Turmeric Extract for Diabetics
Learn the basics about diabetes and how to bring it under control with turmeric, an highly beneficial and easily available ingredient in our kitchen.

Top 10 Simple Ways To Avoid Gym Injuries
Get injured during gym workout sessions can be demovtivating and also very painful. Follow these ten simple ways to avoid gym injuries.