Sushma Rao's Profile

M.A (Communication & Journalism)

Sushma Rao

Sushma's passion for writing has taken her far and wide, to places in the advertising and IT industries, where she has contributed towards Content and Digital Marketing. Her other interests are baking, dancing and traveling.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Health Benefits of Tea - Slide Show

Health Benefits of Tea - Slide Show

Tea has been considered a wonder drink since ancient times. It is the world’s most popular drink after water.

Slide Show
Home Remedies for Fever

Home Remedies for Fever

Fever is most often an indication of some infection or illness in the body. There are many home remedies for fever that are used to bring down body temperature.

Home Remedies
Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose / Congested Nose / Blocked Nose

Home Remedies for Stuffy Nose / Congested Nose / Blocked Nose

A blocked/stuffy/congested nose occurs due to the inflammation of blood vessels that cause a swelling. A congested nose occurs due to either infections, or allergies and treated with home remedies.

Home Remedies
Hair Highlights

Hair Highlights

Hair highlights are a combination of color base to make the hair look trendy and vibrant. Read more on hair highlights tips and the different types of hair highlights.

Beauty Tips
Home Remedies To Prevent Premature Graying of Hair

Home Remedies To Prevent Premature Graying of Hair

Premature graying of hair occurs in children (> 8yrs old), teenagers, and adults. Stress, malnutrition, heredity, damaging hair products, among others can cause premature graying of hair.

Home Remedies