Vijayaganesh Kasinathan's Profile
B.Pharm, M.Pharm

Vijayaganesh, has completed his M. Pharm from Periyar college of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Trichy. He has five years of overseas experience working in Muscat and Qatar, as a pharmacist. He looks ahead to explore possibilities of safe medicine usage in space travel. His hobbies include traveling, view more..
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Check for Drug Interactions
Check for Drug to Drug interaction for two or more drugs. Check both over the counter ( OTC) and regular prescription drugs interactions. Interactions can cause any unexpected health problems that can be harmful but generally not dangerous to you.

Drug Side Effects Calculator
Drug side effects calculator allows you to check the side effect of any drug and alerts you if you need to take any precautions. Use it before you start a new drug. Consult your healthcare professional or Pharmacist if you have any doubts.

Drugs and Cosmetics Rules - Schedule H & Schedule H1 Drugs
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules state that schedule H and Schedule H1 drugs are to be sold only against a prescription by a registered medical practitioner.

Immunosuppressants Side Effect May Benefit People With Hair Loss
Men and women who suffer from baldness can be benefited by osteoporosis treating drug. This drug helps in promoting hair re-growth and can make a real difference one day, but requires a clinical trial evaluation.

Hydroxychloroquine Reduces Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Risk in Arthritis
Hydroxychloroquine used for treating newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis (RA) shows a significantly lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD) compared with non-users when used for long-term.