Other Names : Primary lymphedema associated with yellow nails and pleural effusion
What is Yellow-Nail Syndrome ? A rare disorder of the nail that is usually accompanied by:
Recurrent pleural effusions
Chronic bronchitis
Sinus infections
Cause(s) :
Chronic bronchiectasis
Chronic sinusitis
Internal malignancies
Rheumatoid arthritis
Symptoms : Nails:
Slow in growing
Thick and yellow or greenish-yellow colour with edges slightly darker
Cross-ridging on surface of nails with humped look with loss of cuticles
Onycholysis - nails separate from nail beds Lymphedema:
Swelling of parts of the body caused by blockage or damage to the drainage of the lymphatic system
Swelling frequently affects the legs
Swelling less often in hands, face or genitals Lungs:
Pleural effusions - Fluid collection in space surrounding the lungs
Bronchiectasis - Abnormal dilation of the bronchi
Sinus infections
Recurrent attacks of bronchitis
Diagnosis and Tests :
Clinical examination
Lung function tests
Chest X-ray
Specialist to consult : Genetics
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